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In Tune Piano

Monthly Lesson Rates
$120.00 per month
Studio rate
$160.00 per month
Mobile rate
Lessons are usually 30 minutes in length, however some lessons take longer and extend to 45 minutes. I make sure that the subject matter is covered and understood before ending the lesson. Lessons are conducted individually, with a focus on every element of piano. Technique, theory, sight reading, composition, musical styles, and musical history are just some of the focuses which are covered. Lessons can also be very personalized if your interests only focus on learning certain elements of piano. Call today and set up your first free lesson.

Group Lesson Rate
$250.00 per month
These group lessons are designed for the serious student who is ready to commit to learning. Classes will be held 3 times a week and are 1 hour in length. The purpose of these lessons are to promote rapid learning through dedicated practice and focused instruction. If you are a beginner and always wanted to be a better player in a short peroid of time this is for you!

Per Lesson Rate
$30.00 per lesson
Studio Rate
$40.00 per lesson
Mobile Rate
The per lesson scheduling structure applies to individuals that cannot commit to a lesson time on a monthly basis. Each lesson is typically arranged on a biweekly basis or other special arrangement.
Make a Payement
Payment Policy
Checks are due at the beginning of each month. Missed lessons will be made up on a first come, first served availability. If I cancel a lesson for any reason and a lesson makeup cannot be scheduled, you will recieve a lesson credit on the following month's invoice. If you cancel a lesson and a makeup time is unavaililble, no credit will be given. By signing up for monthly lessons you are paying for a reserved slot in my teaching schedule. If you cancel your lesson it does not guarantee a makeup lesson or a lesson credit. Makeup lessons are done at the convenience of the instructor's availibility.
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